Posts tagged discipleship
When We Make Room To Listen

The premise is simple: her story matters. 

Our world was built with stories. There’s no real need to convince anyone of that. In many ways, our stories serve as the gravity of our hearts – they are what keep us rooted. They tell us where we’ve come from and where we’re headed.

Our women’s retreats believe this, too. We believe that her story matters because God values her. And when you value someone, her story is important, too.

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The Story of Melvin

As we gathered in a youth center, holding our first training session to send Guatemalans as missionaries, there was a young man named Melvin. He was a recent convert to Christianity, but felt a strong tug in his heart to be sent to the nations.

Melvin had spent some time around World Race teams and other short term missionaries while they were in Guatemala. As he heard stories from each missionary, a deeper flame was being fanned, encouraging him step out in faith, to follow the Lord to the mission field.

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